Living in America as a German for Two Years

As a young, educated, and healthy German, taking the leap to live in America has been both an exhilarating and eye-opening journey for the past two years. This blog post serves as a reflection on my experiences, detailing the highs and the lows, as well as the surprising aspects I didn’t anticipate when flying here on June 3rd, 2022.

The Positives

  1. An Amazing Experience for the Young and Educated Moving to the US as an educated young adult opens up a world of opportunities. The country’s vastness and the diversity of its industries meant there were always new experiences and potential career advancements around the corner.

  2. Great Pay for Great Jobs Landing a great job in the US not only enhances your career prospects but also comes with substantial financial benefits. The pay can be excellent, especially in major firms, potentially surpassing what one might expect in many European countries.

  3. The Convenience of 24/7 Services One of the standout conveniences is how remarkably accessible everything is. In America, many stores and services operate 24/7, allowing for a spontaneous and flexible lifestyle.

  4. High Quality of Life and Food If you’re willing to pay the price, the quality of life can be exceedingly high. High-end groceries, advanced amenities, and premium services contribute to a comfortable and enjoyable living experience.

  5. Diverse Population America’s melting pot of cultures—Indian, Chinese, African, American, European—makes for a rich and vibrant societal tapestry. The diversity extends to food, festivals, music, and social interactions, making daily life quite dynamic.

  6. Organized Yet Different Though not as seamlessly efficient as Germany or Austria, the overall organization in the US gets the job done. Be it queue systems, governmental processes, or general day-to-day operations, things do largely work smoothly.

  7. Pickleball Discovering Pickleball was a delightful surprise! This quirky yet engaging sport has become a favorite pastime, offering both fun and fitness.

The Negatives

  1. Over-Self-Advertising One of the cultural differences that stood out is the tendency for people to excessively market themselves. This can sometimes come off as disingenuous or overly boastful.

  2. Flakiness and Non-Reliability There’s a noticeable difference in reliability within some sub-cultures. Plans are more frequently canceled or altered on short notice, which can be frustrating for someone used to the typical German punctuality and dependability.

  3. Individualism and Selfishness The American culture often emphasizes individualism and personal achievements, which can sometimes translate into self-benefitting behavior and a lack of communal spirit.

  4. Exposure to Danger Living in a country with frequent news of shootings and various dangers can be unsettling. The diversity extends to experiences, including those that one would rather avoid.

  5. Reliance on Individual Traffic Public transportation in the US often falls short compared to Europe. The over-reliance on cars and individual traffic options can be inconvenient and environmentally taxing.

  6. Sirens and Homelessness in Seattle Specific to Seattle, the constant sound of sirens and the visible homelessness issue are daily reminders of some of the urban challenges the city faces.

What Do I Miss from Home?

  1. The Food German cuisine holds a special place in my heart. The flavors and dishes that remind me of home are irreplaceable.

  2. Reliability and Trust The German-speaking reliability and general trustworthiness in social and professional settings are missed in some situations when trying to make plans or building friendships.

  3. Safety and Cleanliness There’s a marked difference in the overall safety and cleanliness in most areas of Germany compared to some parts of the US.

  4. Community Appreciation In Germany, there’s a strong sense of community living and appreciation for collective well-being. This tight-knit spirit is something I miss dearly.

  5. Public Parks and Spaces German public parks and spaces offer an inviting and homely atmosphere, something I find lacking in many American urban areas.

Final Thoughts

Living in America as a young, educated German so far has been an enlightening and wonderful experience, filled with both exciting opportunities and minor challenges. It’s the contrast and balance of positives and negatives that make such an adventure so enriching and interesting. While I do miss aspects of my life back in Germany, the insights gained and the experiences I had in America are invaluable. Here’s to navigating through cultural contrasts and discovering the unique beauty each place has to offer.