Setting Personal and Professional Life Goals for 2035

Envisioning our future can often feel like an exercise in navigating through a fog of uncertainty. However, it’s possible to craft a strategy for the coming years by setting clear and actionable goals. In this article, I will share my personal objectives for the year 2035, focusing on multiple facets of life including relationships, career, health, and investment.

1. Maintain a happy and fulfilling marriage with my wife Joy.


My vision for the years ahead includes nurturing a stable and happy relationship with my wife, Joy. Our aim is to continually support and respect each other so our partnership flourishes with enduring joy and mutual understanding.

2. Establish a reputable presence in the field of NLP.


By 2035, I plan to be well-regarded in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). My goals include teaching, publishing significant research, and speaking at industry events. I hope to contribute valuable insights and share my knowledge with a broader audience within the academic and professional communities.

3. Contribute to a company that shares my values.


By 2035, I see myself working for an organization that embodies innovation, ethical practices, and a commitment to positive societal impact. My intention is to apply my skills in a company that is not just profit-driven, but also makes a meaningful contribution to society.

4. Prioritize health and maintain an active lifestyle.


Long-term health and maintaining an active lifestyle are crucial to my life strategy. My commitment is to keep my weight under 170 pounds and participate in a half marathon annually to promote my physical well-being and endurance.

5. Invest in real estate in the US and EU.

Together with Joy, I plan to invest in real estate by purchasing a house in the United States and an apartment in Europe. These properties will not only be financial investments but will also serve as personal spaces for us to create lasting memories and provide a sense of security.


As we edge closer to 2035, these goals are more than just aspirations; they are actionable plans that will guide my personal and professional journey. This article serves as an overview of my roadmap for the next decade, and I welcome you to follow along or share your own ambitions. Let’s work towards reaching our 2035 objectives with focus and determination.