Giving Thanks - The People Who Shaped My Journey

On this day of reflection and fellowship, Thanksgiving 2023 in America, I want to express my gratitude towards those who’ve been cornerstones in my life. The sentiment resonates deeply with the insights gathered from the prominent book “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.” One central theme from this enlightening read is the importance of acknowledging the people and experiences that shape us. Gratefulness, as advocated in the book, isn’t merely retrospective; it’s a catalyst for ongoing growth and enrichment. Here lies my gratitude, each individual’s impact highlighted, akin to my life’s most pivotal influences.

The people that shaped my life

Family: The roots of my being—mom, dad, and Sabrina—shaped me with a nurturing resilience. From my infancy through adulthood, they’ve provided a haven of unconditional love, an unwavering support system that granted me the liberty to pursue my dreams. Their influence remains the constant safety of my life, guiding me without any directing, and enabling - mostly - without encroaching. Right, mom? :smile:

Mr. Seisinger: His insight during my elementary school years opened the gates to education by prompting me towards the gymnasium. I’ll forever appreciate his belief in my potential, which uprooted me from a modest Realschul track and set me upon a trajectory that would define my intellectual rigor. His simple counsel to my parents allowed for all my achievements, a testament to the power of a teacher’s faith in their student.

Marc Grünewald: A schoolyard acquaintance became an unwitting guide when Marc’s suggestion pivoted my compass towards the halls of Deutschhaus Gymnasium. The city of Würzburg inspired my motivation for curiosity and learning, a place where language and sport were not just subjects, but passions.

Karoline März: The year was 2012 when her frank rejection of a local clerkship pushed me towards university education. It was Karoline’s and her parents’ conviction in my capacity and ambition, ultimately molding one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Prof. Dr. Dobbener: This professor for Mathematics replaced intimidation with intrigue, transforming my academic identity from average to exceptional. His mentorship facilitated my transit from a ‘C’ in high school to an ‘A’ at university, further allowing me to impart my learning as a tutor to cohorts of eager students.

Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel: The best professors ignite a fire rather than simply fill a pail, and Prof. Weitzel was a storytelling Prometheus, lighting up the subject of Information Systems with unparalleled enthusiasm. His lectures were just incredibly exciting, leaving the strongest marks of academic and personal motivation.

Tizian Prokosch: Little did he know that his mention of the Erasmus program was the whisper that caused a seismic shift, directing me towards Budapest - and allowing me to live outside my country in another language in 2013. The experience augmented my academic pursuits with a newfound fluency in English, sharpened by a vibrant international context. The once-hazy concept of ‘global citizenship’ crystallized into a reality, all thanks to Tizian’s well-timed counsel.

Tanja from BASF: Her invaluable trust seamlessly manifested into an internship that jet-set me from European academia to the dynamic professional world of Hong Kong. In that vibrant metropolis, BASF provided the proving grounds for my developing skill set, a testing field whereby Tanja’s endorsement became my professional starting point. That formative stint bridged the chasm between theory and practice.

Harald Weissenbök: His discerning eye spotted a leader within me, placing me in a sphere of C-level responsibility before I’d believed to see it for myself. Under his guidance, I led teams and managed vast projects, crafting my managerial acumen with his wisdom as my compass. Harald’s investment in my potential was more than mentorship; it was an act of entrusting, which is the highest form of teacher-to-student empowerment.

Walter Mosenbacher: His constant affirmation of American education sowed the seeds for my academic pursuits across the ocean.

Prof. Dr. Peter Gloor: Amidst a world grappling with pandemic uncertainties, he allowed for an invaluable research opportunity at MIT in 2020, crafting a virtual place for academic exploration within stormy times. The chance he took on me, a resonated with the inclusivity and nurturing spirit of MIT itself.

Michael Carr: The very streams of fate seemed to conspire when Michael’s invitation to his Istanbul Airbnb led me to the love of my life. Within Turkey’s historic streets, Mike unknowingly set the stage for a union that would redefine my life. Michael, a friend and inadvertent matchmaker, led my to my Joy.

Joy, My Angel: My wonderful wife, the namesake of the happiness she brings each day, is the extraordinary woman I had the honor to marry. Our union is not merely a shared life all around the world but also filled with joy, companionship, and mutual growth. Together, we’ve constructed a our world, a testament to the wonderful power of partnership. You make me happy every single day.

Sebastian Hillebrand: His efforts brought me through the prestigious EXIST scholarship, setting the foundation for full-time dedication to coding with Kindest AI. Sebastian’s coaching was as much about cultivating a skill as it was about fostering a mindset of entrepreneurship.

My American Parents: Embracing me as one of their own, Eric and Teresa opened their home with the generosity of heart and spirit during our early days in America. Their support and home is a sanctuary to this day. This kindness bonded us as family.

Jan Hartigan: A colleague whose dedication to weekly technical mentorship sessions fortified my engineering capabilities. Jan’s mentorship is a selfless offering of knowledge, a rare and praiseworthy commitment to the advancement of others.

Cam, Evan, and Andrew: The brothers-in-arms who, in Washington, became friends, sparring partners in pickleball, and companions on trail-laden adventures. Their friendship, camaraderie, and unwavering generosity have been a hallmark of my time in the Pacific Northwest.

The Timeless Gift of Giving Thanks:

Each name etched here contributes to my life, a reminder that gratitude is a binding force in the human narrative. On this day, I’m not just thankful for the individuals but for the broader gift of being able to voice this gratitude—each acknowledgment is a note in collective success. Embracing gratitude is to harness a power that amplifies our connections, strengthens our resolve, and affirms the belief that together, we are more, always more, than the sum of our parts.

Thank you, life.