The Transformative Impact of Traveling

Before 2013, I have been to five different countries. Since then, I have been to sixty-two. Traveling changed my life. Entirely.

‘It is not that we have a short time to live but that we waste most of it. Life is long enough, and it has been given to us in generous measure for accomplishing the greatest things.’ Seneca, the Younger.

Philosopher Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

Travel Expectations

Ever since I realized that all my prejudice were to an extent pointless, traveling would become one of my biggest priorities. These prejudices were quite straightforward: I would tell myself that traveling is too expensive, I will not be able to navigate because I cannot speak the local language, and while at home everything is super amazing, bad things can happen if you go somewhere else. Well, to me these aspects - in hindsight - seem to be pointless but having been raised essentially not traveling and not knowing the right approach was a cognitive block to getting around. Yet, these prejudices can be overcome easily.

Traveling Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Overcoming Travel Predjudices

Hereafter, I show how I usually come up with affordable trips. The cost of traveling is usually composed of traveling to the location, paying for accommodation, and the cost of living.

Landscape Photo by v2osk on Unsplash


Today the world looks different as I see the benefits of getting around:

I truly hope you get these benefits for yourself, too! Start squeezing the best out of your life. It may transform you too.

Laughing Child Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

List of the 62 countries I have visited (Countries are defined following the American iPhone App ‘been’):